I know, I have been such a horrible blogger this past month, but better late than never...introducing:

October 27, 2008
7 pounds
19 inches
* Full head of hair*
I started a post about the whole labor and delivery, but I think I will post a link to the full narrative in a future blog as it has gotten very long, so if you are really interested, you can click and read about it later. :)
Our precious little one has been with us for almost 1 month now and she is the greatest joy I have ever experienced! Her little noises, her whimpers, melt my heart and I would pay money to see the little smiles she cracks randomly when she's falling asleep and waking up. This past month has been very good. Allie has been typically sleeping about 3 hours at a time which we hear for newborns, is really good. We are very blessed!
And since I just can't get enough of my girl, here are some more pics! :)