I am officially considered "Full-Term." At 38 weeks, it's just a waiting game at this point. Every night, Jake talks to my belly and says "Come out, come out, whatever you are!" The anticipation of not knowing the gender of little Jooyoung is starting to get to him and he says never again will we wait to find out. :) At least we're only a couple weeks away from knowing! My belly has definitely popped out in the last week or so (sorry for the lack of 36 and 37 week pics!) and I'm definitely starting to feel like my body is preparing to deliver this baby. I've been more tired lately, so have been trying to get as much sleep as I can as I've heard that once the baby is here, it's a completely different story.
Since we have been in town for the past several weeks, we've been trying to do things that we normally don't have time for...like clean. We've got the bassinet set up and washed a bunch of baby clothes, blankets and burp cloths. Last weekend, we went to the pumpkin patch (silly us forgot our camera!) to pick out 3 pumpkins...one for mommy, one for daddy and one for Jooyoung. We have decided to make this an annual tradition - I'll post pics once we carve them. Then we went to the outlets. They were having a huge Columbus Day sale, so we bought a bunch of boys AND girls clothes thinking we'll return whatever we end up not using.
We have another appointment today, so I'll update again if there is any progress (hopefully there is!). 'Til then, here are some 38 week pics! Enjoy! :)

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