Tuesday, December 16, 2008

7 weeks!

My husband has been getting on my case about not keeping the blog up-to-date, so I'm doing my best to get some posts done while the babe is asleep. :)

I am starting a countdown...or I guess it's a count-...up (?) no longer of the pregnancy, but of Alicia! Our little girl is 7 weeks now and she has grown SO much! Her little cheeks aren't so little anymore, she is smiling everyday and we are starting to see a little bit of personality shine through. She has certain traits of both Jake and me.

Some of the cute:

  • she has Jake's side smirk
  • she always sneezes twice like me

Some of the not-so-cute:

  • she can fart as loud as and sometimes louder than Jake
  • she's perfectly fine without going #2 for several days like... :)
Some of her most note-worthy moments thus far in her 7 weeks of existence post-womb:
  • she slept for 6 straight hours for the first time a few days ago!
  • she pooped so much one time that we got 4 diapers dirty while trying to change her because apparently she wasn't done yet!
  • she's starting to babble and from the sounds of it, she'll be a yapper like her dad!
  • her hair is sticking straight up like mine when i was a baby

Just to give you a little taste of what this cutie pie looks like, here are some pics to enjoy!

1 comment:

Candice Clem said...

yay! cute ali! lovvvve herrr! once the weather gets better, we'll come over again. or we could go to the mall :)