Wednesday, August 20, 2008

30 Weeks!

Only 10 more weeks to go! We just had our 30 week appointment and these appointments have become somewhat uneventful and disappointing - but I guess I'm not complaining because it means that our little one is doing just fine. Basically we go in for our appointment, end up waiting for about 20 - 30 min, see the doctor for 3 minutes and we're outta there. The most exciting part (or most dreadful - whichever way you look at it) is checking my weight. i've never weighed myself so much that a pound a week GAIN is a good thing. So far I have gained about 16 pounds which is on the lower end of the recommended 25 - 35 lb. total weight gain by the end of the 40 weeks. Another exciting part of the appointment is hearing the heartbeat. This week, JooYoung's heartbeat was around 130 bpm. Since I can feel Jooyoung wiggle around so much, I'm never *really* worried that something is wrong, but it's always reassuring to hear the heartbeat of the little thing living inside me. According to my weekly updates, Jooyoung is about 15.7 inches long, weighs about 3 pounds and is approximately the size of a head of cabbage.

Since we're keeping Jooyoung's gender a surprise until we deliver, we've been getting people's guesses on what they think we're having...what do you think? Here are some more pictures in case you make the call based on the shape/size of the belly!


E. Lee said...


Candice Clem said...

i cant believe you're 30 weeks. you are in tip top shape!

i think it's a boy... but i kinda think it's a girl.

my final guess is girl. it'll change later i'm sure.